Free HR Resources from Signature Staff

4 Step Recruitment Hack

The true success of any business can be measured by the relationships within the organisation. Creating and nurturing positive relationships between the Employer and New Recruits are key to the ultimate success of any business.

Vlasta Eriksson is the founder of Signature Staff, a Recruitment and HR Company providing service in Australia since 1998. She’s learnt a thing or two along the way!

Vlasta hopes that by sharing this concise information, business managers & owners will establish their road to success through optimising their most valued asset – their staff.

The recruitment process can be incredibly time-consuming. The good news is that it can be broken down into four steps, many of which you will be familiar with already.

Here’s a foolproof guide that you can use time and again. Perfect for staying in line with legislation, running a streamlined recruitment process and hiring the right people who stay longer and are more productive!

In this article I will give you an overview of the four steps as well as a deeper insight to what’s involved in the most important step – the first!

Download “4 Step Recruitment Hack” for free now