Where are all the chefs?

by | Jul 10, 2018 | Blog, Employers Tips

Who wouldn’t want to be a chef? If you watch Master Chef you will know that you’re are destined for an endless parade of TV appearances, awards nights, riches and fame….

Sadly, there is a huge shortfall between the TV version and the high-pressure reality in one of Australia’s toughest work-environments. Sadly, it’s turning into a full-blown crisis as the hospitality industry in Australia struggle to fill positions in the kitchen.

A depressing study by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research shows that the take-up of apprenticeships in the food trades catego


ry is down by a whopping 45% over the last 5 years. The completions are also a big problem with only 1 in every 3 food trade apprentice completing their training.

The impact of this trend is very evident In Cairns, where the hospitality industry is currently expanding with break-neck speed. As a result, vacancies are growing progressively and finding staff to keep up is a massive problem.

Larger groups have strategies and financials to deal with this, but it’s a different story for smaller operators, who increasingly find themselves resorting to underqualified and / or inexperienced staff to keep the doors open.  This becomes very apparent when visiting some local venues where the quality of food and service often fluctuate from hero to zero between visits.

With hospitality being identified as one of Australia’s biggest growth industries, we are in dire need of a strategy to add value to hospitality as a long-term career as well as a short-term solution for the immediate needs.

For more information or to ask us about Chef’s on how to find or hire contact us here or call Signature Staff on +61 07 4050 3888


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