It is all about the Team Work

by | Oct 3, 2013 | Employers Tips

It’s a great feeling to be part of a successful team.  Research shows that 82% of middle-size companies develop teams in order to achieve their organisational goals. Where a project needs the co-operation of more than one worker, “Teamwork” is the most rewarding and efficient approach. A group of team-players will foster a collaborative approach, enhance productivity and support each other. Below are some tips on how to develop a team spirit within your workplace. Having the right  HR Tools and Resources will lean to having a successful team.Signature Staff Blog

Hire Motivated and Qualified Individuals

Developing an effective team starts with the hiring process. Establish a hiring HR policy, where outstanding skills and the right personality are prioritised within their selection process.  Starting with the right people will have a significant contribution to the success of a project.

Encourage Communication among Team Members

Team bonding is as important as team building. Once you have hired the right personnel, ensure they have opportunities to get to know each other. This can occur through small celebrations and after-work functions. Members of an effective team need to communicate with each other and understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses so they can work together optimally.

Set Up a Team Meeting

Giving individual employees feedback about their work performance is valuable and empowering.  So provide the same level of feedback to your team as a group. By setting up a team meeting, you will enable each team member to present ideas about the team’s project, providing an opportunity for the team to come up with some brilliant ideas for the success of their project and your organisation.

HR Wisdom Newsletter - Feb 13Set Benchmarks

Prior to assigning a project to a team, you can set benchmarks. This will benefit both the organisation and the team. If the team exceeds the benchmarks, they are rewarded through systems such as employee bonuses.

Conduct Cross-Training

Provide on-the-job training to all team members in the form of cross-training.  This will not only help each team member respect the work of their team-mates, but also provide them with skills to do the work of an employee who is absent. The organisation will benefit as absenteeism will not impact as negatively this way. Moreover, positive teamwork leads to improved profitability as the team becomes more comfortable, harmonized and focused.

Empower Your Employees

A sense of empowerment can work wonders for organisational growth. Giving over the control of a project to the employees involved is a dynamic example. Ask them to carry on with their work even if you are not present. Empowering them will not only get the project completed on time, it will boost their level of confidence and pride as a whole team.


Having the right HR processes in place will foster Team work and the work culture, get the HR tools and Resources through us at Signature Staff.

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