7 Deadly Sins of Recruitment

by | Apr 29, 2021 | Blog

Signature Staff has been the recruitment game for two decades and over these years we have learned how not to recruit. Here are our 7 Deadly Sins of Recruitment.

1st Sin – Unclear definition of the position

This can be achieved by having a correct job description that outlines the duties, skills, qualifications and key competencies. From the job description, we can then set the key criteria for the position we seek to recruit for.

2nd Sin – Not Setting the Key Criteria

We should also set criteria for the characteristics and behaviors that we are seeking in our potential employee. This could be achieved by using tools such as DISC to assess our current work culture and the position itself, in an effort to understand what type of behaviors and characteristics the position requires.

3rd Sin – Unrealistic Expectations

The truth is that the marketplace dictates conditions and 99% of good candidates are well aware of their worth to a prospective employer. A beneficial exercise would be to find out what benefits and wages your competitors are offering and research similar positions that are available in the marketplace at the time of hiring

4th Sin –   Lacking in Interviewing Skills

You need an organised, structured and systematic approach to interviewing. I would recommend that all candidates are:

(1)    being interviewed by the same person in your company.

(2)    interviewed and scored against the same key criteria.

5th Sin – Not being due diligent with background checking

You should do at least 2 reference checks on all candidates that you are considering to offer your position to. But be aware! Many candidates will pass you details of referees that aren’t appropriate. Whilst its not illegal to check people’s social media profiles, however, ensure your stick within the boundaries of the Anti-Discrimination Act and Privacy Laws.

6th Sin – Taking too long to make a decision

Respect your potential employee’s time and let them know where you are at in the recruitment process. The last thing you want is to miss out on a great employee to your opposition just because you dragged your feet. Most candidates apply for a number of positions, not just yours and are likely to accept the first offer.

7th Sin – Poor Induction processes

It is important that all new employees receive induction training at the beginning of their employment to carry out their jobs effectively. Not carrying out induction will leave the employee to pick up the information necessary to carry out their jobs effectively on their own or through asking, following or copying existing employees, minimising the company’s effectiveness, efficiency, consistency ultimately loss of revenue.

Another thing we have learned is that there is no “one size fits all”.  Next step is to look a bit closer at the features and decide what is right for you.

Author: Vlasta Eriksson

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